Wednesday, June 20, 2012

ice pops

nih semua gara2 aiman tgk cartoon kat nick jr. hari2 dok bernyanyi nk buat ice pops.jadi bila ajak dia buat sama2 ice pops nih excited bukan main.
kebetulan ada resepi fresh fruit ice lollies dr buku annabel karmel nih.

buku beli 2 tahun yang lalu, tp selak brp kali jer.. hihi..tunggu baby khalid start makan, lg syiok tgk resepi dlm nih
orait nih resepi straight dr buku
raspberry and watermelon lollies
(makes 8 lollies)
1/4 watermelon
60g raspberries
40-50 g icing sugar
cut the flesh of watermelon and remove the seeds.blend the watermelon and raspberry together.strain through a sieve and stir in the icing sugar to taste.pour into lolly moulds and freeze
tp makcik takdoler nk buat btol2 ikut buku. guna watermelon je sbb tuh je yg ada. campur icing sugar, blend, masuk mould.sonang yo. lollies mould tuh beli kat daiso. tp harituh ribena pon ada bg free gift ice lolly mould kan.
nih model my homemade ice pops( sekejap pops sekejap lollies,kita dulu panggil ice cream malaysia je kot kan)

selamat mencuba
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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